My C-Section Delivery - Preparation, During & Recovery After A C-Section Delivery.

Whatever your reasons for choosing birth via a CS surgery, you need to know what to expect before, during and after the surgery. No two surgeries give the same experience to a mom-to-be just like how natural childbirth differs from one woman to the other. It really helps to know how to prepare for the surgery beforehand to make it less traumatic and to help speed your recovery.  

Ghanaian Software Engineer Maureen Biney Wins Top Tech UK Innovator Award.

Maureen Biney is a Ghanaian software engineer working at AMEX in the United Kingdom. Before moving to the UK she worked at Ringier Ghana as a software engineer on e-commerce and jobs. She was nominated for by EveryWoman in Tech UK Awards at the end of last year. The Innovator award (sponsored by Equiniti) was awarded to a woman designing, developing, researching, implementing or being exceptionally creative with technology in an unconventional and innovative way.